Kia ora koutou,
I hope you are all well. As we approach the winter season, may we encourage everyone to prioritise our health by getting enough rest, stay active and eating nourishing foods.
For this month, we would like to welcome Erwan, Violet and Sri
We would also like to say farewell to Imogen, Alex, Theo and Mahina as they are now heading off to school. We will surely miss them.
Karori kids commemorated ANZAC Day by providing art and craft activities such as making poppy flowers, baking Anzac cookies and talking about the heroism of the soldiers by reading books and telling stories. Reena with the help of Gina made a wonderful commemoration corner in the art room. The children contributed some coloured artwork, sending their regards to the WWI soldiers who came from both Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
2. Going for Walks
We continue to go for regular walks. Our walks often lead us down to various streets of Karori even to the place where our tamariki reside, recently we also had the pleasure of exploring Karori park and it as was an absolute delight to see our tamariki having so much fun. Our regular visit to the library is also a fun learning experience as we learn Te reo and other special events in the community.
Manaakitanga is one of the Māori values and principles which means respect, hospitality and kindness. Our kaiako have been reinforcing this value by encouraging our tamariki to show kindness to our tamariki. Gina made a Manaakitanga jar to appreciate kindness that the tamariki have been displaying to their peers and kaiako
4. Construction. Our tamariki are continuously fascinated with building forts and dwellings. This imaginative activity not only provides fun but also offers valuable learning experience such teamwork, problem-solving and spatial awareness -while fostering creativity and innovation.
5. Transition to school Program (Thunderbirds Program) a) NZ Sign Language Week. For this month, Regan and Reena have been focusing on Sign Language Week. Both Kaiako and tamariki are striving to learn the sign Language. By watching video clips and visuals we were able to learn basic sign language such as expressions of feelings, days of the week and other basic greetings. b) Learning Te reo. Debbie has been reinforcing the learning of Te reo, in addition to engaging our tamariki in enhancing their fine motor skills.
6. Mother’s Day Mothers’ Day-We have had a successful celebration of Mother’s Day celebration at Karori Kids. The highlight was the drop-in breakfast where mothers were treated to a delightful spread of delicacies. The children were enthusiastically contributed by giving for their mothers, adding a personal touch to the occasion. 7. Art and Crafts Throughout this month, there has been a notable increase in children’s engagement in collaging activities. Our tamariki have enthusiastically took the opportunity to explore their creativity through cutting, gluing and selecting favourite items for their collages. For this month, we have had a lot of tamariki who have into collaging. During these learning moments, the tamariki exhibit levels of concentration and enjoyment as they explore various materials and textures while carefully arranging them to bring their imagination to life. This has them with a platform of self-exploration and artistic exploration 8. Myths and Legends. Our tamariki have also been exposed to the Maori mythological characters as part of our enriching cultural enrichment program (Wairuatanga). This initiative aims to broaden our tamariki’s understanding about indigenous cultures and foster appreciation for diverse mythologies. 9. Learning Waiata. We have also been engaging our tamariki in learning Waiata as also a preparation for our presentation on Matariki night. | Learning Outcomes (Te Ara Whānui Whāriki and NELP) 1a. Making connections between people, places and things in their world | te waihanga hononga
2a. Keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves | te oranga nui
2b. Enjoy hearing and retelling stories.
3a.Making connections between people, places and things in their world/ te waihanga hononga 3b. Use different skills and strategies in order to play and learn with their peers. 3c.Treat their peers fairly and include them in play. 3d. Learning priorities: Have high aspirations for every learner/ākonga, and support these by partnering with their whānau and communities to design and deliver education that responds to their needs, and sustains their identities, languages and cultures. 4a. Play, imagine, invent and experiment. 4b. Move confidently and challenge themselves physically. 4c. Use different strategies to reason and solve problems. 4d. Make sense of the world around them by generating and refining working theories/ te rangahau me te mātauranga 5a. Making connections between people, places and things in their world/ te waihanga hononga 5b. Recognising print symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose | he kōrero tuhituhi 6a. Recognising and appreciating their own ability to learn | te rangatiratanga 6b. Ensure every learner/ākonga gains sound foundation skills, including language (See Footnote*), literacy and numeracy 5e. Meaningfully incorporate te reo Māori and tikanga Māori into the everyday life of the place of learning
6c. Making connections between people, places and things in their world | te waihanga hononga 7a. Express themselves and their ideas with a range of different materials and modes. 7b. Play, imagine, invent and experiment. 8a. Enjoy hearing and retelling stories. 9a. Meaningfully incorporate te reo Māori and tikanga Māori into the everyday life of the place of learning
Gina and Reena attended the workshop that was held on the 27th and 28th of April in Lower Hutt. The workshop was a 2-day programme aimed to strengthen bicultural understanding to support with the cultural implementation of Te Whāriki (2017) and local curriculum design. The PD was found to be incredibly helpful, particularly in providing insights on how to incorporate into the unique place of Māori as Tangata Whenua and also the other Māori values and principles. The workshop included a tour where we visited some of the sites of significant to Te Ati Awa.
Reminders about providing us a copy of the 4 years old immunisation records.
Please ensure your children wear appropriate walking shoes for our regular walks.
Please continue to encourage our children not to bring toys to the Centre
Dates to remember:
Upcoming Events:
Working Bee- Saturday the 25th May
Philippines Independence Day- Wednesday, 12th of June
Matariki celebration- Thursday, the 27th of June
Internal evaluation
“How is the language, culture and identity of all whānau empowered at Karori Kids?
I have now sent out a survey to the parents. So far, I have received 7 responses. Thank you to those who have already responded.
Finally, as I always say, it is your tireless efforts and initiatives and providing valuable insights significantly contributed to the success of Karori Kids. We deeply appreciate the time, energy and passion you investment here in our Centre.
“ Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket the people will live