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Centre Manager’s Report November & December

Kia ora koutou,

Spring and summer have finally arrived, and we continue to hope for more sunshine to brighten our days and bring warmer weather.

We are excited to welcome Harper Taylor to our Karori Kids whānau. We look forward to getting to know you and having you join our community.

This December, we also want to say a heartfelt farewell to our Kaiako JD who will be heading to China early next year and to Oscar who will be going to school.  We wish them the best in his next adventures.

BUSY TAMARIKI KARORI KIDS                              

1.Christmas Party Preparation

Throughout the month of November and early December, we focused on preparing our tamariki for the upcoming Christmas party. This event is a significant occasion for the Karori kids' community, and we were dedicated to ensuring that the children were ready to fully embrace the festive season with joy and excitement.


Learning Outcomes (Te Ara Whānui Whāriki and NELP)

1a. Making connections between people, places and things in their world | te waihanga hononga




2. Transition to school program


This month, we began taking our older tamariki on school visits to Karori West and Karori Normal School. These visits have provided them with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the school environment, daily routines, and to meet their teachers at the primary schools. It has been a wonderful way to help them feel more comfortable and prepared for the next step in their learning journey.

As part of our ongoing internal evaluation, we will be exploring different ways to ensure a smoother transition to school for our tamariki.


2a. Understanding how things work here and adapting to change/

 te mārama ki te āhua o ngā whakahaere me te mōhio ki te panoni


2b. Reduce barriers to education for all, including for Māori and Pacific learners/ākonga, disabled learners/ākonga and those with learning support needs.




3.Water Play

As we are in spring and summer seasons our tamariki have been enthusiastically engaging in a variety of stimulating activities that have fostered creativity sensory exploration and social interaction. Water paly has been a highlight activity throughout the month, providing endless opportunities for fun and learning. Pouring, scooping and splashing, experimenting, creating imaginative scenarios such as water tea and cooking. These activities have helped develop fine motor skills, problem solving activities or basic scientific concepts. 

3a.   Making sense of their worlds by generating and refining working theories/

Te rangahau me te mātauranga


3b.Playing, imagining, inventing and experimenting | te whakaaro me te tūhurahura i te pūtaiao

4. Costume day   

Our costume party was a resounding success. The event was well attended by many parents and tamariki and we sincerely thank everyone for their participation.

The costumes you created and wore were fantastic, showcasing your creativity and a strong sense to sustainability. It was truly inspiring to see how this value was reflected.

A special highlight was our Thunderbirds, who blossomed on the night with their beautiful singing, dancing and engaging performances during runway that added fun to the event.   Thank you to all the amazing team, whose dedication and hard work made this fabulous event possible.


4a. Showing respect for kaupapa, rules and the rights of others | te mahi whakaute


4b. Taking part in caring for this place | te manaaki i te taiao

5. Working Bee

Another successful working bee we just had for the month of November. We are truly grateful to all our whanau who generously gave their time and effort to help Karori kids maintain and clean.

Thanks to your support and hard work, the Centre looks beautiful, and we could not have done it without you. Your ongoing participation to our community makes such a difference









5a. Taking part in caring for this place | te manaaki i te taiao

6. Going for walks

We continue with our regular walks, as they offer endless opportunities for learning. These outings provide our tamariki with real-life experiences related to health and safety, as well as a chance to become familiar with their surroundings—an important part of connecting to the community. Some of the places we regularly visit include the library, Ben Burn Park, and the nearby streets such as Campbell Street and Donald Street.


6a. Keep themselves healthy | te oranga nui

6b. Keeping themselves and others safe from harm/ te noho haumaru

6c. Make connections between people, places and things in their world| te waihanga hononga

6c. Move confidently and challenge themselves physically/te wero-ā-tinana



7. Thunderbirds set up and topics

Throughout November, our Thunderbirds have been actively engaged in activities aimed at enhancing their letter and number recognition. This focus is crucial to their early learning journey, laying the foundation for a smooth transition into school. By recognizing letters and numbers, the tamariki strengthen their literacy and numeracy skills, setting the stage for future academic success. Our kaiako have used a variety of strategies, including worksheets, hand sensory activities, and more.

To better meet the individual needs of each child, the Thunderbirds have now been divided into two groups. This allows for more tailored participation and helps us set more focused goals, ensuring each child's development is effectively supported.





7a. Making connections between people, places and things in their world | te waihanga hononga

7b. Recognising print symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose | he kōrero tuhituhi

7c. Recognising mathematical symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose | he kōrero pāngarau

8. Diwali Celebration 

We also celebrated Diwali, Reena who is originally from India has a deep understanding of how Diwali is traditionally celebrated, making the festivities even more special.

We had wonderful Diwali and loads of different activities throughout the day.

Our day began with colouring diya/lamp and rangoli/ pattern, followed by making rangoli outside by the two door. We made rangoli as it is believed that making rangoli at the entrance of the house welcomes positive energy and wards off negative energy. Tamariki had fun colouring it in with the different coloured chalks

We also had mehndi/henna on that day. For tamariki's lunch, Diya made butter chicken with rice and it seemed that majority of our tamariki loved it.


8a. Making connections between people, places and things in their world | te waihanga hononga


Professional Development

Our kaiako have been actively engaging in professional development to enhance their skills and knowledge.

  • Gina and Reena recently attended a workshop facilitated by Early Education Advisers and Curriculum Leaders from the Ministry of Education. They learnt about the requirements for the Person-Responsible and Kowhiti Whakapai frameworks. The valuable insights and online resources from the workshop will be shared with the teaching team in 2025.

  • Regan has one more session of the Incredible Years programme in February, which will mark the completion of this important initiative.

  • Reena attended a session on Artificial Intelligence, where she explored its potential benefits and applications. She will share her findings with the teaching team next year.

  • Gina continues to engage in professional networking. Recently, she participated in a webinar with other managers and owners, facilitated by her mentor Lynn Rupe, where they discussed ERO updates and key concerns in early childhood education. Gina also attended the End of Year Reception at Parliament, which provided an overview of Early Childhood Council achievements in 2024.

  • Diya, our cook, participated in a workshop on heart health. She learnt valuable tips on healthy eating, some of which she has already incorporated into our menus.

Recently, the team took part in the annual performance review, which provided an opportunity to reflect on our achievements, assess our current practices, and identify areas for future growth. The insights gained from this process will guide our personal and professional development moving forward.

New Internal Evaluation:Our new internal evaluation is focused on the question: “To what extent are we providing our tamariki with the necessary support to ensure a smooth transition to the school programme?”

Update: The team is currently in the process of developing an action plan based on the evaluation.

Upcoming events


13th Monday-first day opening

20th Monday-Wellington Anniversary Day (Public Holiday)

29th Wednesday-Chinese New Year


4th Tuesday-World Cancer Day

6th Thursday -Waitangi Day (Public Holiday)

14th Friday- Valentines Day


17th Monday- St. Patricks Day

21st Friday-World Syndrome Day

28th Friday -Cultural Night


4th Wednesday-Trip to Botanical Garden

7th-11th Monday-Friday-Teacher Parent Interview

17th Thursday- Teachers Only Day (The Centre is closed)

18th Friday- Good Friday (Public Holiday)

21st Monday-Easter Monday (Public Holiday)

22nd Tuesday- Earth Day  

25th Monday, Anzac Day (Public Holiday) 

Notes: We will have additional events to include as we move forward into 2025.


Reminders about providing us a copy of the 4 years old immunisation records.

Please ensure your children wear appropriate walking shoes for our regular walks.

As part of the enrolment agreement, please be reminded that your child is required to attend at least six (6) hours each day.

Please continue to discourage your children in bringing toys from home at Karori Kids


Another year has passed, and it feels like time is moving faster than ever. Reflecting on the past year, it seems to have flown by in the blink of an eye.

We would like to take this moment to express our heartfelt gratitude:

First, to the KK Committee, whose unwavering support has been invaluable to the success of Karori Kids. Your dedication, encouragement, and tireless efforts have made a world of difference. The initiatives you’ve spearheaded and the insights you’ve provided have significantly contributed to the growth and success of our centre. We deeply appreciate the time, energy, and passion you invest in Karori Kids.

Second, to our incredible teaching team—your hard work, passion, and commitment to the teaching profession are truly inspiring. Thank you for your unwavering dedication, your contributions, and for making a positive impact on the lives of our tamariki every day.

To our wonderful tamariki—you brighten our days and are an invaluable source of inspiration. I learn so much from each of you, and your growth and joy motivate us all to continually do our best.

And finally, to our whānau—thank you for believing in us, trusting us, and being such an essential part of our community. Your ongoing support means the world to us.

As we look forward to another year, we are filled with hope, excitement, and deep gratitude. Here’s to continuing our journey together!

Meri Kerihimete!He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people!


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29 Campbell Street, Karori, Wellington 6012  |  04 476 6887

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