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Centre Manager’s Report - September 2022

Kia Ora Karori Kids Whanau!

I hope everyone had a fantastic month.

Welcome to Karori Kids!

We would like to welcome Leo Goldfish who has joined our Karori Kids whanau this month. We also would like to welcome Reena Sajwan who will be working with us on a fixed term contract from mid-October to mid-December. Reena is a well-experienced student teacher who has been in early childhood education for eight years. We look forward to getting to know Leo, Reena, and their whanau.

Happy Birthday time in September!

A few of our children also celebrated their birthday this month. We want to wish a big happy birthday to Ollie (5) and Gaspar (3).


We also said goodbye to our friend Ollie as he heads off to big school. We wish you the best of luck and will miss you and your whanau! Haere ra!

What have we been up to?

1. Māori Language Week – Teachers and children were able to increase their engagement in learning and using te reo Māori. This was done through reading te reo books, listening to waiata and utilising the phrases we have pinned up around the classroom.

2. Onesie Day – Thank you to our parents who supported our fundraiser for the Wellington Free Ambulance. It was a fabulous day for our tamariki and kaiako - an opportunity to increase awareness about our wider community and teaching our children about generosity.

3. Daffodil Day – We dressed up all in yellow to show our support to the Cancer Society Foundation. It was a beautiful day, and we raised an amazing amount of $295! We want to say a huge thank you to our whanau’s for this awesome effort.

4. Children’s Literacy - The children have been practicing writing the alphabet and their names. They have also been doing a lot of drawing and colouring as well.

5. Reading books - This month, our children continue to display their interest in reading books. They spend a lot of time enhancing and discovering knowledge through reading books.

6. Father’s Day – We hosted a drop-in breakfast for Father’s Day this year. It was a huge success, and we want to thank you for taking the time to pop in and spend some special time with your child.

7. Thunderbirds - Place-based education has been reinforced to our tamariki especially to the Thunderbirds group. They have learnt about where they live, the names of the landmarks and a little bit of history about Karori.

Upcoming Dates/Events

  • Teachers’ Only Day - Friday 21st of October. The Centre is closed for the children on this day.

  • Halloween Party - Friday 28th October

  • Christmas Party - Friday 16th of December

Illnesses (Covid-19 and flu)

For the month September, we have quite a few children away due to the flu. The good news is no one has got Covid-19 this month. As we have now moved to a long-term strategy for COVID-19, mask wearing is no longer required and household contacts of a person with COVID-19 do not need to isolate, but instead are asked to complete a RAT test each day, for 5 days.

All other recommended public health measures will stay in place as we know they reduce the spread of infectious illnesses including COVID-19. These include ensuring our indoor spaces are well-ventilated, maintaining good hand hygiene, encouraging everyone to cough or sneeze into elbows and, most importantly, staying home and getting tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms.


As we are now heading to a warmer season, we are now going to be applying sunscreen each morning and afternoon. If your child needs a special sunscreen, please provide a named one.


-Please name your children’s clothing.

-Please ring/email the teachers if your child is going to be away.

- Make sure that you send warm clothing for your child.


Three policies have been reviewed for the month of September: Hazard Register, Curriculum Inquiry and Children with Challenges

Facebook and Google

We encourage parents to share why they love Karori Kids so feel free to leave a google review. This helps promote our centre and gets our name out into the community! We also encourage families to visit our Facebook page where we share photos and updates so you can see what your children are busy doing!


We continue to build that much-needed resilience to thrive in these ever-changing times and encourage you to stay connected to support your child’s development here within our Karori Kids Community. Thank you for your on-going support!

Ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.

Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many.


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