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Centre Manager’s Report April 2024

Updated: Apr 29, 2024

Kia ora koutou,

I hope you are all well. It is now autumn and I hope you been enjoying what this season brings. This season makes us feel great if we cozy up with a warm cup coffee or leisurely strolls through the fallen leaves or simply relishing the sight of nature transformation. May you all find moments of serenity amidst the changing of seasons. 

For this month, we would like to welcome Debbie, our new Kaiako. Debbie has started her teaching journey in 2012. She believes the importance of having a warmth, respectful, and inclusive for all learners.

 We would also like to say farewell to Flynn Bradley as he is now heading off to school. Bradley’s family has been a part of Karori kids for 6 years and we are so grateful for their contribution for the success of Karori Kids.  


1.Easter Celebration


Karori kids celebrated Easter by organising different activities to ensure that kaiako provided understanding about this celebration, Kaiako engaged the tamariki in easter egg hunt, making eggs using cartons and colourful paper and  explaining different beliefs about easter.



2. Going for Walks


We continue to go for regular walks. Our walks often lead us down to various streets of karori even to the place where our tamariki reside, Recently we also had the pleasure of exploring karori park and it as was an absolute delight to see our tamariki having so much fun. 


3.Celebarting Holi


We also celebrated Holi, the Indian festival of colours. Reena our kaiako who is originally from India led the celebration of Holi. She engaged them in learning about the significance of this festival and they also had the opportunity to play with the non-toxic colourful powder.

4. Construction. Our tamariki are continuously interested construction. They have been involved in building tents, dwellings and constructing towers, and other imaginative structures, while learning about shapes, sizes and balance. Through these activities, the tamariki have been encouraged to unleash their imaginations and work collaboratively with their peers. Building together fosters teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills which are invaluable for their learning and development 

5. Transition to school Program.

Mercy talked about the seven continents. They have explored the world map and learnt a song about continents. Our tamariki have increased their knowledge about this topic while enhancing their communication and discover skills.  

Other topics that were introduced for this month was about extending our tamariki’s knowledge about insects.

Learning the letters’ formation and sounds were also reviewed and taught this month.








Learning Outcomes (Te Whāriki and NELP)

1a. Making connections between people, places and things in their world | te waihanga hononga









2a. Keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves | te oranga nui







3.a.Making connections between people, places and things in their world/ te waihanga hononga



3b. Learning priorities: Have high aspirations for every learner/ākonga, and support these by partnering with their whānau and communities to design and deliver education that responds to their needs, and sustains their identities, languages and cultures.

4a. Play, imagine, invent and experiment.

4b. Move confidently and challenge themselves physically.

4c. Use different strategies to reason and solve problems.

4d. Make sense of the world around them by generating and refining working theories/ te rangahau me te mātauranga

5a. Making connections between people, places and things in their world/ te waihanga hononga


5b. Understand how things work and are able to adapt to change.

5c. Make sense of the world around them by generating and refining working theories/te rangahau me te mātauranga

5d. Recognising print symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose | he kōrero tuhituhi






















Gina and Reena will attend SELO on the 27th and 28th of April. The workshop will be a 2 day programme aims to strengthen bicultural understanding to support with the cultural implementation of Te Whāriki (2017) and local curriculum design. This PD will provide insights and understanding into the unique place of Māori as Tangata Whenua, the role of Mana Whenua within our region and unpack concepts of Te Ao Māori.


Please ensure prompt pickup of your children. Late pick-ups will incur a penalty.

Please ensure your children wear appropriate walking shoes for our regular walks.


Dates to remember:

Upcoming Events:



Anzac Day- Thursday, 25th of April (The Centre is closed)



NZ Sign Language Week-Monday to Friday, 6th-12th of May

Mother’s Day-Friday, 10th of May

Pink Shirt Day-Friday, 17th of May

Working bee-Saturday, 25th May 2024 (9:00-12:00)

Samoan Language Week-Monday to Friday, 26th-1st of June   


Philippines’ Independence Day- Wednesday,12th of June   

Matariki Celebration-Thursday, 27th of June

Teachers Only Day highlight

Our teachers only day was exceptionally productive and enriching. In addition to our usual staff meeting, we had the privilege of hosting two insightful workshops which were attended by the teaching team in Donald Street Preschool and Karori Childcare Centre. Harkirat Kaur from the Ministry of Education provided valuable insights into the local curriculum shedding lights on it.  

We also have Anne Marie Seremak, the Centre Manager from Tiny Voices Centre shared her expertise offering practical strategies to enhance educational spaces.


Policies that we reviewed:

We also have reviewed some of our policies that are due for revisions. 

Inclusion Policy

Social Competency Policy

Mental and Wellbeing for Teachers

Illness Procedure

Physical activity

Laundry Procedure

Pet Policy


Internal Evaluation 

We continued to monitor the impact of our action plans in terms of empowering the  language, culture and identity of all whānau at Karori Kids?”


The kaiako are now striving to greet the tamariki and whānau in the children’s first language.

The whānau board also serves tool to learn the language of our tamariki

The inclusion of including the parents’ aspiration aligning children's learning experiences with their cultural background in the children’s individual gaols.  

The team have also been collecting resources from different countries.

We will monitor the progress of these actions in May and we will reassess whether we have improved our practice in terms of empowering the language, culture and identity of all whānau at Karori Kids?”



Thank you to all the continued support. Karori Kids would not thrive without your dedication. As we embark on the journey of 2024, we eagerly anticipate another year of collaboration of growth. Together we aim to continue making a positive impact to our community, nurturing our children’s potential and fostering a culture of learning and support.

“Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi" 

With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive


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