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Community Education

Karori Kids incorporated offers 24 full time spaces for children from ages 2 to 5 in the heart of Karori, Wellington. We are a family-led incorporated society and Registered Charity governed by a parent committee.  We aim to spread our message of hope and compassion. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and outreach activities, our team works tirelessly each day to contribute their part to the greater good.

We have two spots available, one for late November (2024) and one for early next year (2025) 

Wood Panel


Our Philosophy
Whānau Focused

We are a whānau focused community centre where Te Whāriki is the mat we stand on together.

Te Tiriti O Waitangi

We honour Te Tiriti O Waitangi through our Teina Tuakana culture of manaakitanga.

Holistic Learning

We provide effective readiness for school through holistic learning and being a responsive member of our learning community.


Through respectful collaborative relationships we support the whakamana and uniqueness of our ākonga


We focus on the 5 strands; Wellbeing, Belonging, Contribution, Communication and Exploration. We work closely with parents to understand the expectations and priorities and this helps us to establish the identity of the centre. We weave this into how we teach Te Whāriki.  We encourage and expand on our children's interests by offering unique and realistic experiences which include caring for our chickens and tending our vegetable garden. 

Little boy watering the garden
Little girl eating watermelon


Nutrition is an important part of the values of Karori Kids. We have a cook who provides nutritious meals on a monthly cycle and are proud to have been awarded the Healthy Heart Award.

Healthy Heart Award
Early Childhood Tes


We offer quality education and care within a family environment in the heart of the Karori community, exceeding the MOE Teacher to Child ratio. We may have limited full-time spaces available so please contact us in advance to discuss your situation.

Ministry of Education
Little girl playing with chicken

Getting Ready for School

Our Thunderbirds Pre-School Programme for four year-olds operates Monday to Thursday 2:30-3:00pm. The children work in small groups with a teacher, to further develop their basic literacy and numeracy skills, and expand their general knowledge, introducing them to the wider world through fun projects and encouraging them to share and expand on what they already know. We go on group school visits prior to their individual school visits, and foster close relationships with nearby local primary schools, which greatly enhance the transition to school.


We also offer a Three Year Old Programme that operates on Monday to Thursday from 2:30pm-3:00pm, which offers children valuable social interaction, encouraging them to listen, take turns, and take part in discussions. Different resources are used to contribute to the children’s learning, including engaging with the local community, inviting different organisations to speak to the children e.g. SPCA and the Police, and supervised internet access e.g. watching the NASA space shuttle launch.  

Get Ready for School
Wood Panel

Haere Mai!

Please reach out if you have any questions.

Thank you. We will be in touch shortly.

© 2025  Karori Kids  All Rights Reserved  |  Privacy 

29 Campbell Street, Karori, Wellington 6012  |  04 476 6887

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