Kia ora koutou.
We would like to welcome Luka Thomas who has joined us this month and farewell to Isa and Alanna who are now off to Christchurch.
Spring has finally arrived, and we hope that everyone is feeling good with this new season.
Learning Outcomes (Te Whāriki and NELP)
a. Trip to Botanical Garden.
The Thunderbirds group had their trip to Botanical Graden this month.
It was such a rich learning opportunity for our tamariki to develop understanding their role in the environment and gain knowledge about plants and flowers
a. Making sense of their worlds by generating and refining working theories | te rangahau me te mātauranga
b. Looking after Papatūānuku
Our tamariki have been busy engaging in activities that promotes kaitiakitanga. Our kaiako have involved our tamariki in gardening, creating a worm farm and a bug motel in our outdoor area.
Picking up the rubbish around the Centre was also encouraged amongst our tamariki.
In addition to this, the tamariki included in Karori Kids treaty that we have to look after Papatūānuku
b. Taking part in caring for this place | te manaaki i te taiao
c. Mid-autumn festival
This month is also a celebration of mid-autumn festival. Regan, who is originally from China, has a lot of plans to ensure that we celebrate this special event in their country. This month is also a celebration of Chinese language week.
c. Making connections between people, places and things in their world | te waihanga hononga
D. 1 Transition to School Programme
Our tamariki particularly the 4 years old children have been engaging in developing their self-help skills particularly in dressing up and looking after their belongings.
D.2 Numeracy and literacy have also been strengthened during thunderbirds. Recognition of letters and numbers were also taught through variety of teaching methodologies.
d.1 Keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves | te oranga nui
d.2 Understanding how things work here and adapting to change | te mārama ki te āhua o ngā whakahaere me te mōhio ki te panoni
E. Te Reo o Weka
We continue to use the language particularly during kai time. Our tamariki are also g gaining confidence in using the language.
Reduce barriers to education for all, including for Māori and Pacific learners/ākonga, disabled learners/ākonga and those with learning support needs.
Have high aspirations for every learner/ākonga, and support these by partnering with their whānau and communities to design and deliver education that responds to their needs, and sustains their identities, languages and cultures
F. Tumbling Tots
Our tamariki have been really enjoying this physical activity at Karori Recreation Centre.
Different active movement have been introduced to our tamariki. This active movement includes jumping, balancing, running, climbing and many more.
f. Keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves | te oranga nui
Moving confidently and challenging themselves physically | te wero ā-tinana
Internal Evaluation
New Internal evaluation: “How is language, culture and identity empowered at Karori Kids?”
Monitoring and evaluating the impact
(keeping an eye on and noticing what is happening as we
-ERO report findings
-cultural diversity
--Previous internal evaluation findings need to enhance partnership with whanau
-Research and curriculum emphasize valuing funds of knowledge from tamariki, whanau, etc.
Learner focused evaluation process
Prioritising to take action
(deciding what actions will make/considering possible options in the light of research about what matters most as set out in Te Ara Poutama
“How is language, culture and identity empowered at Karori Kids?”
(develop a plan to gather information using tools)
Collaborative and Sense Making
(coming together as a group to interpret what we have found)
Quality Improvement Planning and Implementation
Intentional in aligning our strategic and improvement planning

Upcoming Events
Mid Autum Festival- Friday, 29 September 2023
Teacher’s Only Day- Tuesday 24th October
Olympic day –(tbc)
Halloween Party (tbc)
Working Bee-Saturday, November 18 (9-12)
Gumboot Day-Friday, 03 November 2023
Diwali Day -Friday, 10th November
Christmas Party 15th December 2023
Closing Date: Tentative date: Wednesday, December 20 (tbc)
January 2024: Opening Jan 11th Thursday (tbc)
Up to date immunisation records of your child
Please make sure you provide the Centre a copy of your child’s immunisation record if they have a new one.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone especially for the huge effort of the committee for providing continuous support for achieving better quality care and education for our tamariki.
“Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi"
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive