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Pūrongorongo a te Kaiwhakahaere Hōngongoi 2023

Kia ora koutou.

It has been a difficult time of the year due to winter illnesses. We hope that everyone is well and safe.



Learning Outcomes (Te Whāriki and NELP)

A. Exploring the pūrakau of Kupe, Hine Te Aparangi and Te Wheke ō Muturangi.

The four year old tamariki learnt the pūrākau of Kupe and Hine te Aparangi discovering Aotearoa and their battle with Te Wheke ō Muturangi. Catherine engaged the tamariki with collaborative discussion and visuals to ensure that our tamariki enrich their cultural understanding about the pūrakau of Kupe, Hine Te Aparangi and Te Wheke ō Muturangi.

They also created a play for our tamariki to internalize what they have learnt.

This was an outcome of Te Papa Tongarewa trip and the mana whenua learning our kaiako had undertaken with Te Wharewaka ō Pōneke.

A. Enjoying hearing stories and retelling and creating them | he kōrero paki - Recognising print symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose | he kōrero tuhituhi -

B. Te reo Maori

The use of Te reo Maori is progressing.

Apart from using the basic knowledge of Te reo, we have now extending our Te reo with the use of prepositions. Ka pai to our tamariki and kaiako. Thank you to Catherine in modelling the use of Te reo and creating visuals for us to enhance our Te reo Maori.

c. Indian Independence Day

Reena who is from India originally led us in celebrating their annual independence day on 15 August.

Reena introduced this special event in their country by wearing accessories from their country.

We also watched a video clip showcasing the Indian Independence Day.

Introducing the Indian flag is another highlight of the day. Our tamariki were so busy talking about the colours and symbols that made up the Indian flag.

Meaningfully incorporate Te reo Māori and tikanga Māori into the everyday life of the place of learning.

Making connections between people, places and things in their world | te waihanga hononga

D. Drawing

Our tamariki have been enhancing their creativity through drawing. This was an extended activity for colouring.

The children were now encouraged to draw instead of merely colouring in the pictures as it extends further learning in their fine motor skills and imagination. Through the teachers’ guidance and visuals, the children are learning the techniques about drawing pictures.

Expressing their feelings and ideas using a wide range of materials and modes | he kōrero auaha

d. Construction, Building

Our tamariki are continuously involved in a lot of constructions. The kaiako have been providing them different tools or resources to encourage creativity and imagination.

Recently, they used boxes for their innovation and creativity. Thank you to those parents who gave us those boxes.

Using a range of strategies for reasoning and problem solving | te hīraurau hopanga

Playing, imagining, inventing and experimenting | te whakaaro me te tūhurahura i te pūtaiao

e. Tumbling Tots

Our tamariki have been really enjoying this physical activity at Karori Recreation Centre.

Different active movement have been introduced to our tamariki. This active movement includes jumping, balancing, running, climbing and many more.

Keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves | te oranga nui

Moving confidently and challenging themselves physically | te wero ā-tinana

f. Trips

We continue to do regular trips-to Karori library, Ben burn Park, karori supermarket and of course the recent one to Te Papa

These trips are good opportunities in providing realistic experiences about safety, exploration, and community awareness.

Keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves | te oranga nui

Internal Evaluation

Internal evaluation update: “How effectively are we in providing an inclusive environment that sustains the languages, cultures and identities of our akonga?”

We have now summarized our internal evaluation

Overall the journey of our internal evaluation about language, culture and identity reiterates the importance of the ‘learners with their whanau are at the centre of education.’ While this aspect needs to strengthen, it is evident that kaiako have extended the knowledge of tamariki in terms of “connecting them between people, places and things in their world/ te waihanga hononga ; understanding how things work and adapting to change/ te marama ki te ahau o nga whakahaere me te mohio ki te panini ((Te Whariki p.24)

Furthermore, we believe that we should continue to enhance the learning of the language, culture and identity of our tamariki and whanau. Te Whariki, 2017 stated that:

“Children’s funds of knowledge are learnt in their whānau, communities and cultures.”

Our next internal evaluation is entitled: “To what extent that we kaiako learn about the language, culture, identity of all families and what ways are these affirmed at Karori Kids”

The title itself needs consultation and participation from our whānau.


First Aid Course

Our kaiako have also updated their First Aid Certificate at New Zealand Red cross.

Mercy has attended a professional Development on Promoting Gender Inclusiveness in ECE settings.

Gina has also attended the “Big Administrator Day Out”

Class Photo

We had a successful class photo on Monday, the 7th of August. Though we have 2 teachers and 1 child away, we had a lovely day and the tamariki were all excited and participated in our class photo day. We will update you as soon as we hear from the Inspire Photography.

Upcoming Events

Daffodil Day-Thursday, 25 August 2023

Father’s Day-Friday, 1st September, 2023

Maori Language week- beginning the 11 September

Parent-Teacher Interview-beginning the 11th of September

Mid Autum Festival- Friday, 29 September 2023

Teacher’s Only Day- Tuesday 24th October

Olympic day (tbc)

Halloween Party (tbc)

Gumboot Day-Friday, 03 November 2023

Working Bee-November

Diwali Day -Friday, 10th November

Christmas Party 15th December 2023

Closing Date: Tentative date: Wednesday, December 20

January 2024: Opening Jan 11th Thursday


We have had a number of children’s absences due to colds, flus and other respiratory illnesses.

We thank our families for keeping their child/ren home when unwell. Recently, the government announced the removal of the mandatory COVID isolation rule, which took effect on 15 August.

To continue managing illnesses of staff and tamariki will now be in line with our own policies and procedures, taking into account the public health advice.

It is also important, if your child is going to be away, we would appreciate if you will let us know the reason of your child’s absences especially if it is about illnesses. This is to monitor notifiable illnesses and also to do preventative actions to avoid widespread diseases.

Up to date immunisation records of your child

Please make sure you provide the Centre a copy of your child’s immunisation record if they have a new one.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone especially for the huge effort of the committee for providing continuous support for achieving better quality care and education for our tamariki.

“Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi"

With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive


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